Humans are prone to boasting about all and sundry at any given opportunity. Even in deprivation, there is something that the boaster/braggart has and others don’t. Many fall into this category even if inadvertently or covertly. Listeners feel sick at heart and want to flee. All evil doers boast (Psalm 94:4) We dare not boast about tomorrow because we don’t know what the day may bring, let alone the next moment. (Proverbs 27:1) Whereas we are encouraged to boast in the Lord because, without ADONAI, we are weak, foolish, lowly, and despised. (1 Corinthians 1: 26-31).
The Boasting Fool.
Larry was a bully who loved to snatch and eat other children’s food at school. He loved teasing and pushing others around. He’d laugh as they cried out in pain. It made him feel bigger and better and he would brag about his deeds. He had many friends who followed him only because they did not want to be his victims. Larry was no good at studies, so he would spend time imagining what he would do to the next victim. After he was evicted from school, he took to petty theft to fund his expenses becoming more daring with each win. He found himself in and out of jail with a long history sheet of criminal activity. After a drink or two, Larry would brag about his lastest heist, giving himself away. Larry is a good example of overt bragging.
If you must boast
The Scriptures mercilessly decry boasting throughout because at its root it is promoting oneself over ADONAI, taking the glory and credit, while denying His Sovereignty and intervention. All boasting is arrogant and evil. (James 4:16) YHWH ADONAI says, “Let not the wise boast in his wisdom, nor the powerful boast in their power, nor the rich in their riches, but let him who boasts boast in this alone that they truly know Me and understand that I AM ADONAI, who demonstrates unfailing love, justice and righteousness on earth and that I delight in these things,” I the LORD, have spoken. (Jeremiah 9: 23,24) That is a tall order to meet. Who can know ADONAI intimately and then boast about possessions, riches, beauty, wisdom, and ability when it all comes from Him? Paul asks this question, "For who makes you so superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?" ( 1 Cor 4:7) The only thing to boast about then, is ADONAI'S covenant faithful love, his justice, and righteousness on earth. This is what He loves and wants us to do for Him here on earth.
Who was the most humble man on earth?
That is why Moses was the most humble man in all the earth. YHWH ADONAI would speak to Moses face to face often, not in dreams and visions. Yet when Moses had to ask ADONAI for a favor, it was to know Him more. (Exodus 33:18-23 ). Not wealth, riches, honor, victory over enemies, or wisdom ( like Solomon). There are a few who seek and know HIM and tread fearfully.[i]
Boasting in our weakness
Paul chooses to boast about his weakness in 2 Corinthians chapters 11-13 while refuting false super apostles and defending his authority as an apostle of YESHUA MESSIAH. He lists the terrible suffering he underwent as Yeshua’s messenger in 2 Corinthians 11: 23- 27 and other reasons like the revelations and visions he could boast about but doesn’t. Instead, he glories in his weakness and obvious failures and disasters and gives glory to YHWH, the Father of our Lord Yeshua Messiah. It is the antithesis of boasting. In Galatians 6:14, Paul says,” Far be it from to boast except in the cross of Yeshua Messiah, by which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world”. In other words, whatever goodness is in him is because of the Yeshua, His cross and His righteousness imputed to him. We can boast about what the cross has done for us.[ii] (The context of this verse is Paul calling out the Judaizers and their false teaching, forcing the Galatian believers to get circumcised to be true believers and add to their numbers). Yeshua's cross represents shame and pain, disgrace and the crushing weight of the world's sin. That is where our boast begins because it brings us to Yeshua's victory over death, resurrection, forgiveness of sins, healing, wholeness, eternal life, and countless kingdom blessings.
He mentions the ‘thorn in his flesh’ yet ADONAI gave him these life-sustaining words that sustain us as well….” My grace is sufficient for you. My power works best in weakness.” (2 Corinth 12:9) That is why Paul says he can take pleasure, be joyful, and even boast of the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles and his weakness that exposes the strength of ADONAI.
Boasting with David
We resonate with the Psalmist who says,” My soul shall make her boast in the HaShem’. Out of the depths of our beings, praise, awe, and gratitude rise as we bow down in worship to our Almighty Eternal YHWH. He goes on to say, “the righteous will hear and be glad. O magnify HASHEM with me and let us exalt His Name together”. (Psalm 34:2-3) ADONAI’S people would be delighted to hear of such boasting about His great and mighty deeds. David wrote this Psalm after he escaped from Gath and the Philistine King Achish by behaving like a madman, drooling and scribbling on the doors. Saul had been pursuing David to kill him and David fled, maybe in a panic, to Gath. Gath was Goliath's hometown, and the king’s servants remembered how David had killed him. To top it off, David was carrying Goliath’s sword. This story is found in 1 Samuel 21:10-15. David had decided on the spur of the moment and landed in danger again. But with ADONAI’S help, he survived. Later, David would go on to win many wars, all because ADONAI protected him and gave him victory in everything he did.
May we be people who make our boast in YHWH, glorifying your Name for all your goodness to us and gathering more and more people into your kingdom. In Yeshua's Name, Amen.
Yes..we dont have bragging rights. God is our Enabler and Giver.
Loved it!
Beautifully written 🌼